The planned restoration of Holy Trinity Church has been reported on extensively in this website. Now it's actually started! For the background to this long-anticipated development, please click on the links in the timeline below.
- A brief history of the church
- Original plan for restoring the turrets, 2015
- The London Diocese takes back possession of the church and starts remedial actions, January 2018
- The Diocese report on initial plans at a Cloudesley Association meeting, March 2018
- The Association write a letter to the Diocese, supporting the restoration, with a proposed approach, March 2018
- At a meeting at St Andrews Church, the Diocese expand on their plans for a major restoration project contingent on raising funds of some £6 million (Report in Cloudesley Association Newsletter, December 2018)
- Work begins, March 2020, as reported in the Cloudesley Association March Newsletter (1), extract below:
You will have seen the scaffolding rise on the south aisle of the church over the last few weeks. We understand that this work, funded by Historic England, is for emergency repairs to the South Aisle roof which was discovered to be at the point of collapse. Further work to the North Aisle roof and the West Turrets is expected to follow. The attached letter from the contractors, Fullers, has been circulated, estimating that the works will last for 18 weeks. We understand that a formal announcement will soon be released by the Diocese about this work and the larger renovation project for which funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund is being sought. We understand that the Diocese are also hoping to host a residents update meeting about the proposed renovation of the church at some point in mid to late April (date TBD).
More details in subsequent articles - watch this space!