Dear Residents
Cloudesley Association – Planning Application
Nick Black kindly suggested we share his observations on the plans that have been submitted as part of the planning application for the redevelopment of the school site (click here to view). Some, but not all of Nick’s observations may well be relevant to other residents.
The Association intends to comment on aspects of the plans that have an impact on the public realm (that is shared by everyone) within the conservation area, e.g. street railings, the 6ft high skylights and the railing around the roof; and not aspects that affect individuals. However, we might also consider commenting on issues relating to particular streets if the majority of residents down such street feel that a particular aspect is unacceptable. For instance, we would be keen to establish whether residents down Stonefield Street are happy to have new/significantly denser fencing on the back of their gardens. We would encourage residents to share their views with their street reps.
Whilst most people we have spoken to are broadly happy with the plans, you should not hesitate to comment on aspects of the plans that you do not agree with. Please feel free to send your comments back to me or liaise with your street rep, but most importantly, please comment in your individual capacities to the Council. At this stage we anticipate the Cloudesley Association will be supportive of the development in principle but may object on a few specific points where we feel there could be some improvements and also suggest conditions such as restriction on building working hours. We will send a draft of our response to all members by 8 February.
As a reminder, residents only have until 12 February to comment on the plans. Please note that this being a major application, it will go to Committee and the Council may allow someone or several people to express their views at the meeting, but this is at their discretion.
Best regards
Amanda and Florence
on behalf of
The Cloudesley Association